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Six Brothers Pest Control knows all about fleas and how to get rid of them. To put it mildly, it takes some work. It is a multi-step process that involves a lot of work on the pet owner’s part.

Six Brothers Pest Control wants to provide a little insight into where you’re your pet is picking up unwanted hitchhikers.

  • Even if your pet is the only animal in your home, they can bring fleas in from the yard.

Remember, you can’t always be aware of what comes through your yard. Fleas do not discriminate. They can be found on deer, squirrels, and rabbits and some birds.

  • You and your family can bring fleas home just by visiting someone else. If you see a friend and his/her pet has fleas and jumps on you or rubs against your leg. You are the transport for a new crop of fleas.
  • Has your pet recently be to the kennel or groomer? As clean as a kennel or groomer can look, there are always fleas lurking somewhere. Did the dogs share a bed, rug, or sofa? Does the groomer clean the brushes and combs they use? Fleas lie in wait for their next meal.
  • Does your dog or cat have a best friend they play with? Does that animal have fleas?
  • How often do you visit the dog park? Hundreds of dogs roam that space monthly, no telling which one brought the fleas in.
  • Bringing home used furniture is risky for a number of reasons. Fleas could be hiding in the mattress along with bed bugs and lice. Check that piece of furniture thoroughly for any insects that may be hiding.

Fleas are part of the environment. These parasites have been around for 100 million years. If they have been around this long, they aren’t planning to leave any time soon. The best way to get ahead of fleas is prevention and continual treatment. That is where Six Brothers Pest Control can help.

Our technicians are all too familiar with the presence of fleas. Some years are worse than others, and there is no sure fire way to know how bad fleas will be. When you call Six Brother’s Pest Control, we will come out and assess the infestation level in your home. Our staff will look inside and outside your house for any clues and if fleas are the only problem. We will sit down with you and discuss all treatment options and what tools we will use to get the job done. Since fleas are historically tricky to remove, there might need to schedule more than one treatment. Six Brothers Pest Control will also recommend steps for the homeowner to take for precautions and preventions.

  • First, visit your veterinarian and have them recommend steps to get rid of the fleas on your pet. Be vigilant with the treatment they suggest.
  • Cut your lawn and keep it as short as possible to deter fleas.
  • Vacuum your carpets thoroughly, if you can, get the furniture. Put in a clean vacuum bag. Fleas can crawl out as quickly as you got rid of them.
  • Wash all pet bedding and any place your pet enjoys laying around on or in bedspreads, bedding, and pillows.
  • Take your curtains to the cleaners and have them laundered.
  • Don’t keep piles of laundry on the floor. That gives fleas a place to hide.
  • Sweep, Sweep and keep on sweeping fleas like to hide in the dust.

Six Brothers Pest Control wants your family and your pets to healthy, happy, and comfortable.

Fleas will always be part of life, but with your preventive steps and our pest control knowledge, we can outwit those pests.