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If you have never hired a professional pest control company before, you may be wondering why so many people do it. You can find pesticides at all major home improvement stores, so why would you need to hire a company? The answers to that question are many and varied. Here are just some of the reasons that you may want to hire a pest control company.

Infestations That Keep Coming Back

If you have had to repeatedly spray or apply pesticide for a particular pest, chances are good that you never actually eliminated them the first time, but just knocked back the population. According to a company that does Pest Control in Pearland, if you’re not seeing a reduction in bugs, it’s because you haven’t effectively broken the pests’ egg cycles. One of the many benefits of hiring a pest control company is that they can provide the most effective treatment to eliminate your household pests. Professional technicians have been trained and licensed to know which specific pesticides to use, how to use them properly, and other steps that need to be taken to solve the problem. Ants are one of the most common insects that cause homeowners grief. You can spray them all day long, but unless you know to clean up the pheromone trails, you will find that the ants always come back. These little pieces of knowledge and training that a professional can offer can be extremely beneficial.




Avoiding Further Damage

It has been shown that professional exterminators can get rid of your problem pests quicker and more effectively than most DIY pest control. They not only have professional grade products and equipment, but also the training to know how to use them. When time is of the essence, it may be wise to get the job done quickly and effectively. For example, if you find a termite infestation in your home, you can spend lots of time and money trying to get rid of them on your own, only to find that in the meantime, your methods have not worked and they have continued to damage the structure of your home.

Danger or Safety Concerns

Aside from just being annoying, some pests also present a real danger to individuals and families. Anytime someone’s safety is at risk, you might want to consider calling a professional. For example, if you or someone in your household is allergic to bees or wasps, it is unwise to try to remove a beehive by yourself. Another time this might apply is if you are seeing lots of black widows or other poisonous spiders around your property. Keeping your family safe is of highest priority, and many people choose to hire the top pest control overland park has to offer.




Use of IPM

IPM or Integrated Pest Management is an approach to pest control that uses environmentally friendly methods that focus on prevention and rely on pesticides only as needed. Good pest control companies will do more than just spray your home for pests. Proper use of IPM would include an inspection to properly identify the pests, followed by recommendations for ways that you can prevent them in the future. These steps are then followed by a treatment for the specific pest and continuous monitoring to ensure that it has been properly taken care of. The extra steps taken by a pest control technician trained in IPM can ensure that the right chemicals are applied and that proper steps are taken to prevent future problems.


There are many other reasons that people choose to hire a pest control company, but most of them come down to this: Homeowners want the job done quickly, and they want it done right! Six Brothers Pest Control is dedicated to ensuring that these things happen for our customers. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you have ever thought about getting professional pest control in the Kansas City area, give us a call today.

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